МСНПК 73-я Международная студенческая научно-практическая конференция, посвященная 180-летию со дня рождения М.К. Турского City Москва, Россия Venue MAA named after K.A. Timiryazev Registration Registration is closed
Принятые заявки Section All sections Institute of Economics and Management of AIC-- Department of State Economy---- History of economic thought and modernity---- Micro and macroeconomic conditions for the development of the Russian economy---- The development of the agricultural economy: trends and prospects-- Department of Economics---- Innovative development of the economy---- Actual issues of the economy---- Modern agricultural economy-- Department of World Economy---- World economy and foreign economic activity---- Socio-economic development of countries and regions of the world-- Department of Finance---- Problems and prospects of the development of the financial and credit mechanism in the global economy---- Current trends in financial management in the agricultural sector of Russia-- Department of Accounting---- Actual problems of accounting automation: systems and technologies---- Problems of applying IFRS in Russia in the context of increasing information needs of interested users---- Problems of development of the theory and practice of accounting in the agricultural sector of the economy---- Theoretical aspects and practice of management accounting-- Department of Taxation and Financial Law---- Actual problems of taxation and tax administration (for bachelors)---- Problems of corporate taxation in Russia and abroad (for masters)-- Department of Economic Security, Analysis and Audit---- Economic security indicators of business entities---- Problems of ensuring economic security of business entities---- Tools for ensuring economic security of business entities---- Business Analysis Tools---- Dangers, risks, threats in the system of ensuring economic security of an economic entity---- Control in ensuring the economic security of an economic entity-- Department of Higher Mathematics---- Mathematics and Applications-- Department of Statistics and Econometrics---- Modern areas of economic and statistical research (in English)---- Statistics and Econometrics---- Statistical Business Intelligence (Masters)---- Data science-- Department of Applied Informatics---- Digital space of undergraduate developments (information: systems; methods; technologies; software; resources)---- Digital space of applied research and their results (information: systems; methods; technologies; software; resources) (MASTERS)---- System analysis and modeling of processes in the agricultural sector---- Information systems and technologies in agribusiness-- Department of Management---- Modern problems of agricultural management-- Department of Organization of Production---- Digital transformation of agribusiness: problems and prospects-- Department of Marketing---- Applied Marketing Research---- Strategic and operational marketing-- -- Institute of Land Reclamation, Water Management and Construction named after A.N. Kostyakova-- Improving the effectiveness of reclamation systems-- Problems of the theory of designing buildings and structures of the agro-industrial complex-- Agro-industrial and civil engineering issues-- Ecology in construction-- Problems of hydraulic engineering and environmental construction-- Expertise and property management-- Modern issues of construction and architecture-- Information technology in the agricultural sector-- Land reclamation and construction machines-- Development of agricultural water supply and sanitation-- Water Management and Water Use-- Technologies for performing work at environmental facilities and environmental protection-- Actual problems of ecology and nature management-- Aspects of environmental safety and environmental management-- Technosphere Security-- Occupational Safety and Health-- Physics-- Technological machines and equipment for environmental management Institute of Mechanics and Energy named after V.P. Goryachkina-- The innovative development of the engineering system of the agricultural sector. High technology in crop production.-- The innovative development of the engineering system of the agricultural sector. Improving the efficiency of the use of the machine and tractor fleet.-- Agreecultural machines-- Resource-saving technologies in crop production-- Tractors and cars-- Engineering and computer graphics-- Materials Science and Engineering Technology-- Resistance to materials and machine parts-- Standardization and Metrology-- Quality control-- Technical operation of technological machines and equipment environmental engineering-- Resource-saving technologies and technical service tools-- New technologies and equipment in power supply systems enterprises-- New technologies and equipment in electric drive and electrical technologies and process automation-- Modern technologies and equipment in heat engineering, hydraulics and energy supply of enterprises-- Technological machinery and environmental equipment Faculty of Agronomy and Biotechnology-- "Agrometeorology" dedicated to World Meteorology Day-- "Biotechnology and molecular biology", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician R.G. Butenko-- Genetics and selection-- Agriculture and experimental techniques-- "Tropical crop production" (crop production and forage production of the tropics and subtropics)-- "Young Agrarian" (schoolchildren)-- "Crop production and meadow cultivation" (based on the results of our own experimental data)-- "Theory and practice of high yields" (students 1-3 years of undergraduate, 1st year of master's program)-- Plant protection-- Plant physiology - a theoretical basis for the development of modern technologies in crop production Humanitarian - Pedagogical Faculty-- Actual issues of agricultural, land and environmental law-- Modern problems of pedagogy and psychology-- Theory and methodology of vocational education-- Actual problems of advertising, PR and journalism-- Actual problems of philosophy-- English language (general)-- English language in research activities-- English in professional communication-- German-- French-- Modern intercultural communication-- Languages and cultures-- Russian language as a means of professional communication-- Actual problems of physical education and sports-- Actual issues of history-- Improving the system of state and municipal administration Faculty of Zootechnics and Biology-- Actual problems of veterinary medicine and animal products safety-- Biological basis of livestock-- Biology-- Cynology and felinology-- Horse breeding-- Feeding and breeding farm animals-- Mechanization and automation of livestock-- Beekeeping and fish farming-- Private livestock-- The memory of the combat and labor feat of scientists of the faculty of livestock and biology in the Great Patriotic War Faculty of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology-- Agrochemistry, biochemistry and radiology-- Agroecology-- Actual issues of microbiology-- Agricultural land reclamation and land management-- Forestry-- Soil science, geology and landscape science-- Chemical sciences-- Ecology and nature management Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture-- Plant breeding, genetics and biotechnology-- Botany-- Vegetable and medicinal plants-- landscape architecture-- Landscape gardening and landscape construction (poster presentations)-- Horticulture-- Viticulture and winemaking-- Ornamental gardening and gas science-- Production Technologies for Vegetable and Medicinal Plants (Masters 1-2 courses) Faculty of Technology-- The development of the direction of commodity science at the present stage-- Modern technologies for storage and processing of fruits and vegetables and crop products-- Technologies for processing livestock products-- Safety and quality of agricultural raw materials and food-- Improving the processes and apparatus of processing industries Military Training Center-- Section of the military department City Apply a filter Reset Алексеева Юлия Андреевна Российский государственный аграрный университет МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева, Институт механики и энергетики имени В.П. Горячкина, Москва, Россия Овсянников Александр Евгеньевич Российский государственный аграрный университет МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева, Институт природообустройства имени А.Н. Костякова, Москва, Россия (2021)
Алексеева Юлия Андреевна Российский государственный аграрный университет МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева, Институт механики и энергетики имени В.П. Горячкина, Москва, Россия
Овсянников Александр Евгеньевич Российский государственный аграрный университет МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева, Институт природообустройства имени А.Н. Костякова, Москва, Россия (2021)