Requirements for registration
Articles are accepted for publication up to 5 A4 pages (210 × 297 mm), including tables (not more than one) and drawings (no more than 2), bibliographic list (no more than 5 sources, no older than 10 years ).
The text must be typed on the computer in the Word for Windows editor in Russian or English. Page margins - 2 cm from all sides. Font Times New Roman, the main font size is 14 pt, in tables - 12 pt. The line spacing is 1.0, the indentation is the same - 1.25 cm.
Left without paragraph UDC or BBK, title of the article (centered without paragraph indentation), missing line - name, title, organization, e-mail, then the missing line is an abstract to the article (no more than 5 lines), the missing line is keywords ( 3-5 words).
The text should contain a reference to the table. When you create a table in the upper right corner write the word table, then there is a thematic title to the table (in the center, without a paragraph indentation). Drawings and graphics in JPG format, use of block diagrams is not allowed. The title of the illustration (Fig.) Is placed under it, and if more than one illustration is used in the work, it is numbered (Figure 1, Figure 2). The text captions align in the center without a paragraph indentation.
The bibliographic list is made in accordance with GOST 7.1.-2003, the text of the article should refer to the literature used (in square brackets).
The author is responsible for the content of the article (the accuracy of citations, facts, statistics).
The Organizing Committee has the right to reject reports received after May 22 from participation in the conference, or submitted in violation of the requirements.
Based on the materials of the conference, a collection of articles will be published and posted in the RICC.
The authors of the article can only be graduate students, researchers, young scientists and teachers under the age of 35, doctors of science - up to 40 years.